[Math] Prove that the normalizer of the subgroup is the subgroup is itself


Problem: $P$ is a $p$-Sylow subgroup of $G$. $P \subseteq N_G(P) \subseteq H \subseteq G$. $H$ is a subgroup of $G$. Prove that $N_G(H)=H$ , i.e., Normalizer of $H$ in $G$ is $H$ itself.

$H$ and $G$ will have the same Sylow groups for this given prime p. I observed a few things like the number of p-Sylow groups not contained in $H$ is a multiple of p and so is the number of p-Sylow groups not contained in $N_H(P)$. I couldn't make much progress. Please help.

Best Answer

Let $y\in N_G(H)\implies yHy^{-1}=H\implies yPy^{-1}\subset yHy^{-1}=H\implies P $ and $yPy^{-1}$ are both Sylow-$p$ subgroups of $H$,since any two Sylow $p-$ groups are conjugates hence $ P $ and $yPy^{-1}$ are conjugates in $H$.

Hence $P=x(yPy^{-1})x^{-1}$ for some $x\in H$

$\implies P=(xy)P(xy)^{-1}\implies xy\in N_G(P)\subset H$

Hence $x^{-1}(xy)=y\in H$ as a $H$ is a subgroup [$a,b\in H\implies ab^{-1}\in H$]

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