[Math] Prove that the maximum connected components in a graph is $V+1-\left\lceil\frac{1+\sqrt{1+8E}}{2}\right\rceil$

graph theory

Prove that the maximum connected components in a graph is $V+1-\left\lceil\frac{1+\sqrt{1+8E}}{2}\right\rceil$

I came up with this intuitively but was not able to prove it. The idea is that a graph with the maximum number of connected components would have individual nodes and 1 clique connected with at most one other node.

The derivation is to find an order n of a subset of V such that $\binom{n}{2}=E$, meaning that $n^2-n-2E=0$

Edit: We are given V number of vertices and E number of edges and solving for maximum number of connected components

Best Answer

Hint: You may assume that each connected component is a complete graph. This only decreases your bound, hence it is still a maximum.

Edit: Observe that if $E^* \geq E$, then $\lceil \frac{ 1 + \sqrt{1+8E^*}}{2} \rceil \geq \lceil \frac{ 1 + \sqrt{1+8E}}{2} \rceil$. Hence, if we increase the number of edges and the bound still holds, then

we know that the bound is true in the initial case.

Hint: Apply the convexity of ${ n \choose 2 }$, to further increase the total number of edges, given that there are $k$ connected components.

Edit: Assume that you have connected components of size $n_1, n_2, \ldots n_k$. Then since they are a complete graph, there are $ E = {n_1 \choose 2} + { n_2 \choose 2} + \ldots {n_k \choose 2} $ edges. By convexity, we know that $E \geq k { \frac{V}{k} \choose 2} = E^* $. It remains to verify that

$$ k \leq V+1 - \lceil \frac{ 1 + \sqrt{1+8E^*}}{2} \rceil $$