[Math] Prove that the dual space of $R^n$ is $R^n$


I was going through the proof of this question in "Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications" by Kreyszig.

(Apologies for not being able to type the whole of it)

enter image description here

I got stuck after the line where we took the supremum over all x of norm 1.

How did we arrive at the step of equality in the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality?

Any good explanation would be helpful.

Best Answer

Just calculate it directly; $$f(x)=\sum_k \xi_k\gamma_k = \sum_k \gamma_k\gamma_k = \sum_k \gamma_k^2=\left(\sum_k \gamma_k^2\right)^{\frac12}\cdot\left(\sum_k \gamma_k^2\right)^{\frac12}=\|x\|\cdot\left(\sum_k \gamma_k^2\right)^{\frac12}$$ since $\|x\|=\left(\sum_k\xi_k^2\right)^{\frac12} = \left(\sum_k\gamma_k^2\right)^{\frac12}$ when the $\xi$ and $\gamma$ are equal. It's not norm $1$, but we can just multiply by a constant for that.

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