[Math] Prove that the complement of a point in a metric space is open


I need to prove that the complement of a point in a metric space is open.

My thoughts so far:

Suppose $M$ is a metric space. Let $x\in M$ and let $U = M-\{x\}$ be the complement of $x$. My approach is to show that for every $y\in U$ there exists an open ball, $B_r(y)$, centered around $y$, such that $x\not\in B_r(y)$.

The ball can be represented as $B_r(y)=\{z\in U : D(y,z)<\epsilon\}$ for some $\epsilon>0$. Assuming the distance between $x$ and $y$ is $D(x,y)=d$ I suppose we would have to show there exists a $z$ such that $D(y,z)<\epsilon<d$? Not really sure how to proceed. Am I on the right track?

Best Answer

The easy way is to show that a point is closed. Then you know that the complement is open.

To show a point is closed, you must show that it contains all its limit points. But, there is no limit point to it and you automatically deduce that it is closed.

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