[Math] Prove that the chromatic number of a graph is the same as the maximum of the chromatic numbers its blocks.

graph theory

Here's the statement to be proved:

The chromatic number of a graph is the same as the maximum chromatic number of its blocks.

Here's what I think. We consider the graph $G$ with chromatic number $\chi(G)=k$. Let $\chi(B)$ be the maximum chromatic number of a block of $G$. Now, clearly $\chi(B) \leq k,$ since a block is a subgraph of $G.$ This would tell me that every individual block could be colored with at most $k$ colors.

Now, any two blocks share at most one vertex, so intuitively it would make sense that we could find a proper coloration for $G$ with at most $k$ colors, by picking the color of the common vertices in a clever way. But how can I prove this?

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

The block decomposition of a graph leads to a tree. Assume that all the blocks of $G$ have been colored but two blocks $B_1,B_2$ do not agree about the coloring of their common vertex. Then by rotating/replacing the colors in one of the two blocks we may resolve such issue. Due to the tree-structure of the block decomposition, we may pick a block as "root" and resolve all the color-conflicts, proceeding from the root to the leaves and fixing the colors of the children blocks each time.