Trigonometry – Prove sin(x) cos(x) ? x – x^3


Prove that the following inequality holds for $x\ge0$ :

$$\sin(x) \cos(x) \geq x-x^3$$

This is an inequality often met during my high school classes I also used for this problem yesterday. I'm interested in a non-calculus proof if this is possible.

Proof involving calculus:

Let's consider

$$f(x) = \sin(x) \cos(x)-x+x^3$$
$$f'(x) = 3 x^2-2\sin^2(x)\tag1$$
$$x\ge \sin(x)\tag2$$
From $(1)$ and $(2)$ we immediately notice that $f'(x)\ge0$ and taking into account that $f(0)=0$ we may conclude that the inequality holds. Thanks.

Best Answer

A Geometric Proof

The posed inequality is equivalent to $\sin(x)\ge x-x^3/4.$

Consider the wedge of the unit circle below:

$\hspace{32mm}$enter image description here

The area of the whole wedge (red and green regions) is $\frac12x$, and the area of the green triangle is $\frac12\sin(x)$. Thus, we get that $\sin(x)\le x$. Furthermore, the area of the red region is $\frac12(x-\sin(x))$.

Noting that the red region is contained in the rectangle with base $2\sin(x/2)$ and height $1-\cos(x/2)$, we get that $$ \begin{align} \tfrac12(x-\sin(x)) &\le2\sin(x/2)(1-\cos(x/2))\\ &=4\sin(x/2)\sin^2(x/4)\\ &\le x^3/8 \end{align} $$ which yields $$ x-x^3/4\le\sin(x) $$ as desired.