[Math] Prove that orientable surface has differentiable normal vector


Prove that:

a regular surface
$S\subset \mathbb{R}^3$ is an
orientable manifold if and only if
there exists a differentiable mapping
of $N:S\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^3$ with
$N(p)\perp T_p(S)$ and $|N(p)|=1$, for
all $p\in S$.

If part:

I guess I have to first let $X_a,X_b$ be parametrization of $S$, and $<dX_a,N>=<dX_b,N>=0$. Differentiability of $N$ imply (not sure) $N\circ X_a$ and $N\circ X_b$ are also differentiable, which their differentials are linear function. I then have no idea how to show that $\det(d(X_b^{-1}X_a))>0$.

Only if part: Zero idea.

Please give me some insight!!

Best Answer

Hint : I guess your definition is the following: A regular surface $S\subset \mathbb R^3$ is orientable if one can find a family $(X_a)_{a\in \alpha}$ so that $\det(dX^{-1}_bX_a)) >0$.

So if $S$ is orientable, then you are given that family of charts $X_a$'s. For each chart, one can define locally the normal vector

$$N_a = \frac{\partial_u X_a\times \partial_vX_a}{|\partial_u X_a\times \partial_vX_a|}$$

So is it true that you can extends this map to the whole $S$? Or, in another chart $X_b$, do you have $N_a = N_b$? If you can show that, then $N: S\to \mathbb R^3$ is the mapping you want.

On the other hand, if such a $N$ is given, then you can consider all charts $X_a$ of $S$ so that

$$N = \frac{\partial_u X_a\times \partial_vX_a}{|\partial_u X_a\times \partial_vX_a|}. $$

Will this families of charts $X_a$'s satisfy $\det(dX^{-1}_bX_a)) >0$?

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