Topology – Proving SL(n, R) is Connected

general-topologylinear algebratopological-groups

Prove that $\operatorname{SL}(n, \Bbb R)$ is connected.

The problem is I know only topological groups from Munkres only. Again Just started fundamental groups. So if anyone can explain to me how it is true in a lucid language and in an easy way such that it remains in my boundary of knowledge then it would be a great help. I have mentioned what I know.
Again if tag this in the wrong field. Please forgive me.

Best Answer

Exercise 2.M.8(a) (Artin's Algebra, 2nd edition). The group $SL_n(\mathbb{R})$ is generated by elementary matrices of the first type (see Exercise 2.4.8). Use this fact to prove that $SL_n(\mathbb{R})$ is path-connected.

Let $\sim$ be the binary operation corresponding to path-connectivity in $SL_n(\mathbb{R})$; by my answer here, $\sim$ is an equivalence relation.

In order to show $SL_n(\mathbb{R})$ is path-connected, it suffices to show $A\sim I_n$ for all $A\in SL_n(\mathbb{R})$. But by my answer here, $A$ can be written as a (possibly empty) product of elementary matrices of the first type, so it in fact suffices to prove that$$E_{uv}(a)M\sim M$$for all $M\in SL_n(\mathbb{R})$ and Type 1 elementary matrices $E_{uv}(a)$ ($1\le u,\,v\le n$) of the form$$I_n + [a[(i,\,j) = (u,\,v)]]_{i,\,j\,=\,1}^n.$$Yet$$M\to E_{uv}(b)M$$simply adds $b$ times row $j$ to row $i$, i.e. takes $r_i$ to $r_i+br_j$. For fixed $u$, $v$, $M$, this map is continuous in $b$ (and preserves the determinant), so the continuous function$$X(t) = E_{uv}(ta)M$$over $[0,1]$ takes$$X(0) = M \to X(1) = E_{uv}(a)M$$while remaining inside $SL_n(\mathbb{R})$, as desired.