[Math] Prove that $\mathbb{R}^n$ contains at most $n+1$ affinely independent points


I'm learning affine geometry and came across the following statement while reading the introductory paragraph on affine independence :

$\mathbb{R}^n$ contains at most $n+1$ affinely independent points.

Coming for linear algebra, the above statement is a little counterintuitive to me since $n+1$ vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n$ cannot be linearly independent. A proof of the later proposition can be found here.

I was wondering how one might prove the former statement. The definition I'm familiar for affine independence is the following :

A finite collection of points $x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_k$ are affinely independent if the vectors $x_1 – x_0, \ldots, x_k – x_0 \in \mathbb{R}^n$ are linearly independent.

Best Answer

Yes, so $n+1$ points can be affinely independent, since $n$ vectors can be linearly independent. For example, if $\{e_1,..,e_n\}$ denotes the basis vectors of $\mathbb R^n$, then the vectors $\{e_1,2e_1,e_2+e_1,...,e_n+e_1\}$ form an affinely independent subset, since if we take $x_0 = e_1$, then the vectors $e_1,e_2,...,e_n$ are generated after subtracting the first vector from every other vector, which are linearly independent. Hence, the given vectors are affinely independent.

But if we take more than $n+1$ points, then the number of vectors generated by the differences will be more than $n$, so cannot be linearly independent. Hence, atmost $n+1$ vectors can constitute an affinely independent set.

Note : The choice of $x_0$ does not affect affine independence i.e. if I had chosen some other vector instead of $e_1$ as $x_0$ and taken differences, it would not have affected linear independence. I leave you to see why, it is not so difficult.