[Math] Prove that ‘lines are parallel if they don’t intersect’ with a suitable diagram


It's obvious that if 2 lines don't intersect they are parallel but how do you prove it? We have been taught how to prove 2 lines are parallel by proving that their complementary angles, alternate interior angles etc. are equal but I can't find a way to do that in this question.

Best Answer

You do not prove this because this is a definition. Have a look at Euclid's Elements, a true beauty from 300 BC. Significant part of high school geometry is copy-paste from Elements (maybe without putting proper references to this book). Copies in Greek survived 2300+ years.

Definitions from Book 1:

  1. Parallel straight lines are straight lines which, being in the same plane and being produced indefinitely in both directions, do not meet one another in either direction. Euclid. Elements (with folio images!) at http://www.claymath.org