[Math] Prove that $\int_E fd\mu = \lim \int_E f_n d\mu$ for all measurable set $E$


This is problem 4T in Bartle's The elements of integration and Lebesgue measure.

Suppose $f_n$ are non-negative measurable function such that $(f_n)$ converges to $f$, and that $$\int fd\mu = \lim \int f_n d\mu<\infty.$$
Prove that for all measurable set $E$, we have $$\int_E fd\mu = \lim \int_E f_n d\mu.$$

I found a solution here.

The solution used the reverse Fatou's lemma, which needs the hypothesis of dominated boundedness, that is there exists a measurable function $g$ such that $f_n\le g$ for all $n$ and $\displaystyle \int g <\infty$. I cannot see how can we get this function $g$.

Thank you very much.

Best Answer

The proof you mention seems wrong to me, since it uses the inequality $$ \limsup\int_Ef_n\le\int_E\limsup f_n $$ You may complete the proof applying Fatou's lemma to $E^c=\mathbb{R}\setminus E$. $$ \begin{multline} \int_Ef=\int_{\mathbb R}f-\int_{E^c}f\ge\int_{\mathbb R}f-\liminf\int_{E^c}f_n\\=\int_{\mathbb R}f-\liminf\Bigl(\int_{\mathbb R}f_n-\int_{E}f_n\Bigr)=\limsup\int_Ef. \end{multline}$$

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