[Math] Prove that if we have more vectors than rows in a single vector, then they are linearly dependent

linear algebra

So my question has to do with the theorem that states that as long as you have more vectors than rows in a single vector, then they will be linearly dependent. I'm trying to visualize this and in my head, there are an infinite number of planes one could create in three dimensions. So how can you be sure that if you had $4$ vectors that are in $\mathbb{R}^3$ (three dimensions) that you are bound to have one in the span of the others?

Best Answer

The easiest way to be sure is to understand the proof of the theorem in question $-$ and no, I’m not being facetious. However, perhaps this will help.

Suppose that three of your four vectors, say $v_1,v_2$, and $v_3$, are linearly independent. Intuitively this says that $v_1$ and $v_2$ determine a plane $\Pi$, and $v_3$ is not in that plane. Now let $v$ be any vector in $\Bbb R^3$, and let $P$ be the point at its ‘head’. The line $\ell$ through $P$ parallel to $v_3$ must hit the plane $\Pi$, since it can’t be parallel to $\Pi$. (If it were, $v_3$ would be in that plane, and it’s not.) Let $Q$ be the point where $\ell$ intersects $\Pi$. $Q$ is the ‘head’ of some vector $u$ that must be a linear combination of $v_1$ and $v_2$, since it lies in the plane that they determine. And $P-Q$ is a multiple of $v_3$, since $\ell$ is parallel to $v_3$, so $v$ is a linear combination of $v_1,v_2$, and $v_3$. Thus, every vector $v\in\Bbb R^3$ is a linear combination of $v_1,v_2$, and $v_3$, and therefore no $v\in\Bbb R^3$ is independent of $v_1,v_2$, and $v_3$. (Of course this just says that $\{v_1,v_2,v_3\}$ is a basis for $\Bbb R^3$.)

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