Abstract Algebra – Prove Prime Ideal P is Maximal if R is von Neumann Regular


Let $R$ be a commutative ring with $1\neq 0$. $R$ is said to be von Neumann regular if for all $a\in R$, there is some $x\in R$ such that $a^2x=a.$ Prove that if $R$ is von Neumann regular and $P$ a prime ideal, then $P$ is maximal.

My idea: We know that $P$ is a prime ideal and $R$ is a commutative ring, so $R/P$ is an integral domain. If we can show that $R/P$ is a field, then $P$ is maximal. Further, every finite integral domain is a field, although I am not sure it will be helpful here.

Any suggestions/comments/answers are welcome. Thanks.

Best Answer

This answer is the same as Zev's, but perhaps stated more "conceptually". For what it's worth:

A commutative ring is von Neumann regular if for all $a \in R$, there is $x \in R$ such that $a^2 x = a$.

Here are two straightforward facts:

Fact 1: Every quotient of a von Neumann regular ring is von Neumann regular.

[The defining condition is an identity, and if an identity holds in a ring it holds in any quotient.]

Fact 2: An integral domain which is von Neumann regular is a field.

[Fact 2 is literally the first thing that springs to mind when I see the somewhat strange defining condition. What does $a^2 x = a$ mean? Well, if we're allowed to cancel the $a$'s, it means $ax = 1$!]

Thus if $\mathfrak{p}$ is a prime ideal in a von Neumann regular ring, $R/\mathfrak{p}$ is a von Neumann regular domain, hence a field, so $\mathfrak{p}$ is maximal.

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