[Math] Prove that if $M$ is a simple left $R$-module, $Ann(m)$ is a maximal left ideal of $R$ and $M \cong R/Ann(m)$ for all $m \in M\backslash \{0\}$


I need to prove equivalent statements of a simple left $R$-module. However, I'm stuck at the following:

The map $\phi_m: R/Ann(m) \rightarrow M$, such that $\phi_m(r+Ann(m)) = rm$ for all $r + Ann(m) \in R/Ann(m)$ is a well-defined $R$-module isomorphism for all $m \in M\backslash \{0\}$.


$Ann(m)$ is a maximal left ideal of $R$ and $M \cong R/Ann(m)$ for all $m \in M\backslash \{0\}$.

Note that $M$ is a nonzero $R$-module.

I need help in proving that $Ann(m)$ is a maximal left ideal of $R$. Please strictly use the statement above and not other definition of simple ring. The latter is obvious.

Best Answer

Since the map $\phi_m$ is surjective we have $M=Rm$ for all $m\in M-\{0\}$. Suppose $\mathrm{Ann}(m)$ is not left maximal for some $m\in M-\{0\}$. Then there is $\mathrm{Ann}(m)\subsetneq I\subsetneq R$ a left ideal. Let $a\in I-\mathrm{Ann}(m)$. Then $am\ne 0$, and $M=R(am)$. Since $M=Rm$ we get $m\in R(am)$, so there is $r\in R$ such that $m=ram$, that is, $(ra-1)m=0$ which implies $ra-1\in\mathrm{Ann}(m)$, hence $ra-1\in I$. But $ra\in I$, so $1\in I$, a contradiction.

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