[Math] Prove that if $B\setminus C \subseteq \ A^c $ then $A \cap B \subseteq C$

discrete mathematicselementary-set-theoryproof-writing

Let A, B and C three sets. Prove that if $B-C$ $\subseteq$ $A^c$then $A \cap B \subseteq C$

Im trying to prove this with sheer logic and not making use of De Morgans laws etc.

Let $y \in (B-C\space$ $\subseteq$ $A^c)$

$y \in B, y\notin C \subseteq A^c$ —–> $A^c$ is equivalent to $B \cup C$ in the given problem.

$y \in B, y\notin C \subseteq y \in B$ or $y\in C$

Thus I proved that $B \subseteq C$ since $B$is in $B$ or $C$. (or at least I think)

Next I have to prove that $A$ is also a $\subseteq C$ and am unsure how to proceed. If I manage to do this I think I will have proved $A \cap B \subseteq C$.

Feel free to show how you would do it, if I am completely wrong.


Best Answer

You have to prove that $A\cap B$ is a subset of $C$. At this level, things do not require immense bursts of creativity, or a stream of great ideas. Usually just verifying the definitions is fairly straightforward and short.

So you need to show that if $x\in A\cap B$ then $x\in C$. If $x\in A\cap B$ then $x\in A$ and $x\in B$. Now comes the point to use the assumption, $B-C\subseteq A^c$. The assumption, when unraveling to definitions tells us that if $x\in B$ and $x\notin C$, then $x\notin A$.

Now our assumption is that $x\in B$, since $x\in A$ it is impossible that $x\notin C$, because then $x\notin A$. Therefore $x\in C$, as wanted.

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