[Math] prove that if a linear map is continuous at a point then it is bounded


I want to prove that, if a linear map is continuous at a point, then it must be bounded. Here's what I've tried so far. I think there's a hold in my logic when I divide $\epsilon$ by $\delta$

A function is continuous if there exists $\epsilon>0$ and $\delta>0$ such that $||f(x_1) – f(x_2)||_Y < \epsilon$ whenever $||x_1 – x_2||_X < \delta$, where $x_1, x_2 \in X$. If $T$ is continuous at a point $x_0\in X$, then by definition, there exists $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ such that $||Tx – Tx_0|| < \epsilon$ whenever $||x – x_0|| < \delta$.

Notice that

$||T(x_n – x)|| = ||T||\ ||x_n – x|| < \epsilon$.

Since $||x_n – x|| < \delta$, we can say that $||T||<\frac{\epsilon}{\delta}$ and the linear map must be bounded.

Best Answer

Here is a better proof: suppose $T$ is not bounded. Then there exists vectors $x_n$ of norm $1$ such that $\|Tx_n\| >n$ for each $n$. Let $y_n=\frac 1 n x_n+x_0$. Then $y_n \to x_0$ so ( by linearity) $\frac 1 n T(x_n)+T(x_0) \to T(x_0)$. Hence $\frac 1 n \|Tx_n\| \to 0$ which is a contradiction to the choice i=of $x_n$'s.

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