[Math] Prove that if A and B are doubly-stochastic matrices of order n, then AB is also a doubly-stochastic matrix

linear algebramatrices

Prove that if A and B are doubly-stochastic matrices of order n, then AB is also a doubly-stochastic matrix.

My attempt:

Since the size of A is nxn and the size of B is nxn, then the size of AB is also nxn.

Let A = ($a_{ij}$) and B = ($b_{ij}$). Consider the sum of the entries in the $i$th row of AB:

$a_{i1}b_{11} + a_{i2}b_{21} + a_{i3}b_{31} + … + a_{in}b_{n1}$
+ $a_{i1}b_{12} + a_{i2}b_{22} + a_{i3}b_{32} + … + a_{in}b_{n2}$
+ $…a_{in}b_{nn}$

= $a_{i1}(b_{11} + b_{12} + … + b_{1n}) + a_{i2}(b_{21} + b_{22} + … + b_{2n}) + …+ a_{in}(b_{n1} + b_{n2} + … + b_{nn})$

= $a_{i1} + a_{i2} + … + a_{in}$

= $1$

Next, I would consider the sum of the entries in the jth column of AB. However, at this point, I'm stuck. So, I'm wondering if my method is possible. Is there also a better way to prove this?

Best Answer

Your method could work. You might find it easier to consider the $i$th row of $(AB)^T$. There's a quick approach, though.

Hint: Let $x$ denote the column-vector of $1$s. Then a matrix $M$ is row-stochastic iff $Mx = x$ and column-stochastic iff $x^TM = x^T$ (or if you prefer, $M^Tx = x$).

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