[Math] prove that $f(x)=\log(1+x^2)$ is Uniform continuous with $\epsilon ,\delta$ …


I have to prove that $f(x)=\log(1+x^2)$ is Uniform continuous in $[0,\infty)$ (with $\epsilon ,\delta$ formulas…)

I wrote the definition: (what I have to prove):

$\forall \epsilon>0 \quad \exists \delta>0 \quad s.t. \quad \forall x,y\in [0,\infty) : \quad |x-y|<\delta \quad \Rightarrow \quad |f(x)-f(y)|<\epsilon $

So I tried developing $|f(x)-f(y)| = |\log(1+x^2)-\log(1+y^2)| = |\log(\frac{1+x^2}{1+y^2})| $…

now this is where I try to make it bigger and simplify the expression so i can choose the right $\delta$ which depends on the $\epsilon$, and then say that if the simplified bigger expression is still smaller than $\epsilon$ then of course the original $|f(x)-f(y)|$ is smaller than $\epsilon$

but what can I do with this expression? any algebraic tricks?

Best Answer

By the mean value theorem, $$f(x)-f(y) = f'(c)(x-y) = \frac{2c}{1+c^2}(x-y),$$ for some $c$ between $x$ and $y$.

Show that $$ \left|\frac{2c}{1+c^2}\right| \le 1,$$ for example using the AM-GM inequality.