[Math] Prove that for some $x, y \in \mathbb{Z}^+$, if $(x-1)(y-1), xy, (x+1)(y+1)$ are all squares then $x = y$.

elementary-number-theorynumber theorysquare-numbers

Prove that for some $x, y \in \mathbb{Z}^+$, if $(x-1)(y-1), xy, (x+1)(y+1)$ are all squares then $x = y$.

I tried taking all possible combinations $\bmod 3$ and $\bmod 4$ and it has a solution only when $x \equiv y$ for both of them (all the above 3 are priper quadratic residues only then). Doesn't this imply $x \equiv y \pmod{12}$?

Now, I am stuck with this problem. How do I proceed?


Best Answer

There is a counter-example. Take $x=1,y=49$. Then, your numbers are $0^2,7^2,10^2$ are all squares. This is not the only example, as any root of the Pell-like equation $x^2-2y^2=-1$ gives a solution. I'd guess there is no solution for $x,y>2$, but, modular arithmetic or qudratic residue will not give a solution; as 0,1,7 is a solution in any modulo.