Number Theory – Prove $(1?\sqrt 2)^n$ is Not Rational for Positive Integer $n$

discrete mathematicselementary-number-theoryprime numbers

Prove that for every positive integer $n$ the number $(1−\sqrt 2)^n$ is not rational.

Here is something I have, I'm not quite sure if I'm on the right track.


Assume that $(1-\sqrt 2)^n \in \mathbb Q$, that is, it is a rational number, then we can express it as:
$(1-\sqrt 2)^n = \frac{p}{q}$ for some $p$, $q$ $\in \mathbb Z$, where $p$ and $q$ are relatively prime. I wanted to see if I can reach to a contradiction somewhere along the way.

Then $1-\sqrt 2 = \sqrt[n]{\frac{p}{q}}$.

So $\sqrt 2 = 1-\sqrt[n]{\frac{p}{q}}$.

Since $\sqrt 2$ is an irrational number, it follows that $\sqrt[n]{\frac{p}{q}}$ must be irrational for the equation to hold.

But $\frac{p}{q}$ is rational,

That's where I stopped and didn't know what to continue as.

Please enlighten! Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

For every $n\in \mathbb{N}$, you can find two integers $a_n$ and $b_n$ such that $(1-\sqrt{2})^n=a_n+\sqrt{2}b_n$ (to prove that use the binomial theorem). After that, you only need to show that for every $n$, $b_n\neq 0$.