[Math] Prove that every strongly connected digraph has an odd directed cycle if its underlying graph has an odd cycle

connectednessgraph theory

Let D be a strongly connected digraph. Prove that if its underlying graph has an odd cycle, then D has an odd directed cycle.

My first approach would be to assume that D has not such a cycle and then exhibit that D is weakly connected. But I'm not going anywhere with the construction of D. Any ideas?

Best Answer

I've come to a solution somewhat simpler.

Let D be a strongly connected digraph. Let $C = v_1 v_2 ... v_m$, $v_m = v_1$, be an odd cycle in the underlying graph. For each i, from 1 to m-1, let $W_i$ be a minimal walk from $v_i$ to $v_{i+1}$. If both vertices are connected by an edge $e_i = v_iv_{i+1}$, then $W_i = v_ie_iv_{i+1}$. Else, if the edge is $v_{i+1}v_i$, then suppose $W_i$ is an odd length walk (otherwise, we'd have an odd length cycle and be done by now). Since m-1 is odd, we have constructed an odd number of odd length walks. Concatenating them as $W_0 . W_1 . ... W_{m-1}$, we have a closed odd walk. Since every closed odd walk has a closed odd cycle, we're done.