[Math] Prove that every solution of an ODE system converges to some point

dynamical systemsordinary differential equationsstability-in-odes

Suppose $p(t)>2$ and is continuous for all $t\in\Bbb R$,
$$x'=2y,\\ y'=-2x-p(t)y^3,$$ prove that for each solution $(x(t),y(t))$ there exists a point $(x^*,0)$ to which it converges.

I guess the most probable approach is Lyapunov stability theory, which is within the range of my ODE course. But this is a non-autonomous system (with time-varying input $p(t)$), and all I have learned from class is criteria for stability for autonomous systems.

It seems kinda obvious that $x^*$ is relevant to $p(t)$, but I have trouble even proving the existence of a singular point $(x^*,0)$ for this system, let alone dealing with it analytically.

The case $p(t)\equiv\text{const}$ is easy, with $(0,0)$ apparently being the only singular point which is also apparently globally Lyapunov asymptotically stable on $\Bbb R^2$, and hence globally attracting (meaning all solutions converge to this singular point.)

But for a time-varying input it is entirely different. Maybe I'll need a non-autonomous version of criterion for Lyapunov stability? But since this is beyond my course's level I think it there must be some more elementary alternatives. I'd be very grateful if anybody can provide me with one. (Of course if using non-autonomous versions can't be helped I would also be glad to learn about such tricks as long as they are effective.)

EDIT Terribly sorry. I made a mistake. $(x^*,0)$ may be dependent upon the solution (or the initial condition).

Best Answer

Multiplying the second equation by $y$ and using the first equation we have $$y\dot{y}=-2xy-p(t)y^4=-x\dot{x}-p(t)y^4$$ i.e. as correctly pointed in the comments by @Evgeny $$\frac{d}{dt}[x^2+y^2]=-2p(t)y^4\leq -4 y^4$$

Thus $x,y$ are bounded and the Lyapunov-like function $V=x^2+y^2$ is decreasing and lower bounded (from zero). Hence, $V$ converges to some constant $V_{\infty}\geq 0$. If we integrate the above inequality over $[0,\infty)$ we obtain $$V_{\infty}-V(0)\leq -4\int_0^{\infty}{y^4(s)ds}$$ which yields $$\int_0^{\infty}{y^4(s)ds}\leq \frac{1}{4}V(0)$$

If we assume a bounded $p(t)$ then the boundedness of $x,y$ and the state equations result in the boundedness of $\dot{x},\dot{y}$.

A continuous differentiable function with bounded derivative is uniformly continuous.

You can use now Barbalat's lemma to prove convergence. Barbalat's lemma states that if

i) $\int_0^{\infty}{\phi(t)dt}$ exists and is finite and

ii) $\phi(\cdot)$ is uniformly continuous

then $\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty}\phi(t)= 0$.

From Barbalat lemma we then have that $\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty}y(t)=0$ and since $V$ converges there also exists some $x^*$ (with $V_{\infty}={x^*}^2$) such that $\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty}x(t)=x^*$.

Edit to remove the upper bounded $p(t)$ restriction: I will prove now a variation of Barbalat lemma that does not need uniform continuity of $\phi(\cdot)$ but only an upper bounded derivative.

Barbalat lemma variation: Let $\phi:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}_+$ continuous differentiable nonnegative function. If

i) $\int_0^{\infty}{\phi(t)dt}$ exists and is finite and

ii) $\dot{\phi}(\cdot)$ is upper bounded

then $\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty}\phi(t)= 0$.

Proof: The proof uses a contradiction argument. Assume the opposite, then there exists a constant $k_1>0$ and a sequence of times $\{T_i\}$ with $\lim_{i\rightarrow\infty}T_i=\infty$ such that $$\phi(T_i)\geq k_1$$ For $t\leq T_i$ we have from the mean value theorem that $$\phi(t)=\phi(T_i)-\dot{\phi}(\theta t +(1-\theta)T_i)(T_i-t)$$ for some $\theta\in(0,1)$. Since $\dot{\phi}$ is upper bounded there exists some $c$ such that $\dot{\phi}(t)\leq c$ for all $t\geq 0$ and $$\phi(t)\geq \phi(T_i)-c(T_i-t)\qquad \forall t\leq T_i$$ From the above relationship we have that $$\phi(t)\geq \frac{k_1}{2}\qquad \forall t\in\left[T_i-\frac{k_1}{2|c|},T_i\right]$$ Therefore $$\int_{T_i-\frac{k_1}{2|c|}}^{T_i}{\phi(t)dt}\geq \frac{k_1^2}{4|c|} $$ Thus $\int_0^{t}{\phi(\tau)d\tau}$ cannot converge to a finite limit as $t\rightarrow \infty$ which is the desired contradiction.

In our example $\phi(t):=y^4$ and its derivative is upper bounded since $$\dot{\phi}(t)=4y^3\dot{y}=-8xy^3-4p(t)y^6\leq -8xy^3$$ and $x,y$ are bounded. The proposed variation of Barbalat lemma yields now the desired $\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty}y(t)=0$. This completes the proof and indeed there is no need for an upper bound of $p(t)$.

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