[Math] Prove that every rotation is equivalent to two successive reflections (in 3D)

geometryrigid transformationrotations

Prove that a rotation about any axis by a finite angle is equivalent to successive reflections in two different planes.

Here's what I tried:
I assumed two reflection planes (passing through the origin) with normals $\mathbf{n_{1}}$ and $\mathbf{n_{2}}$, and used the vector transformation reflection to transform an arbitrary initial vector r to r'. Similarly, I transformed r to r' via a rotation matrix (about z axis) by an angle $\phi$. Then I tried comparing the two r' -s component wise. This resulted in a really complicated set of equations in the direction cosines of $\mathbf{n_{1}}$ and $\mathbf{n_{2}}$.

Best Answer

I believe constructing the reflection planes and starting from the 2D analogue would help.

Let's say the rotation is about the origin, and is nontrivial.

Well, after the rotation happens, the origin is still at the origin.

Hence either both reflections change the position of the origin, or none of the reflections changes the position.

However, if both reflections change the position of the origin, and both reflections are not the same, then the origin will change position.

Hence neither of the reflections change the position of the origin, i.e. the line that the reflection is done in passes through the origin.

Let's bring this back to 3D.

Every point on the axis goes back to being the same point. By similar logic, the planes must pass through the axis.

The only variable that can now vary is the angle the pair of planes form. With only one variable, the rest should be easier.