[Math] Prove that $\dim(V / W) =\dim(V) – \dim(W)$ for $V$ finite

linear algebraquotient-spacesvector-spaces

I seek to show that the dimension of the finite-dimensional vector space $V$ modulo $W$ (subspace) is the equal to the difference of the dimension of each space, i.e. dim$(V / W) =$ dim$(V) – $ dim$(W)$.

I start by letting $W \leqslant V$ and stating that

$$V / W = \{v+W \, \big| \, v \in V \}$$

Thus, $V/W$ objects are the collection of left $W-$cosets. I understand that the dimension of a vector space is equivalent to the cardinality of its basis. So my suspicion here is to first find a basis for $V / W$ and then show that its cardinality is equal to dim$(V)$ $-$ dim$(W)$. But I have a couple of questions:

  • How does one find the basis for a quotient space? ($V / W$'s objects are sets, not vectors anymore)

  • Is this the proper approach or is there a simpler manner of dealing with dim$(V / W)$?

Best Answer

Another proof that may be circular depending on how you proved the Rank-Nullity theorem is as follows: Let $\pi:V\to V/W$ be the canonical projection. Notice that it is linear and surjective and the kernel by definition is $W$ hence:


And your equality follows.