Real Analysis – Proving an Open Ball is Also Closed in an Ultrametric Space


I am trying to prove that all open balls in an ultrametric space are also closed. I found this proof (link below – page 3, #2) but I still don't understand it. Can someone explain their logic? What exactly do they mean?

Best Answer

You don’t need to use the machinery in that PDF to prove it.

By definition the ball $B(x,r^-)$ is open. Suppose that $y\in X\setminus B(x,r^-)$. Then $d(x,y)\ge r$, and I claim that $B(y,r^-)$ is an open ball around $y$ disjoint from $B(x,r^-)$. Assuming the claim for a moment, it follows that $X\setminus B(x,r^-)$ is open and hence that $B(x,r^-)$ is closed.

To prove the claim, suppose that $z\in B(y,r^-)\cap B(x,r^-)$. Then $$d(x,y)\le\max\{d(x,z),d(z,y)\}<r\;,$$ since $d$ is an ultrametric, contradicting the choice of $y$.

This shows that every open ball is also closed. Now we’ll show that the closed ball $B(x,r)$ is also open. Let $y\in B(x,r)$ be arbitrary; I claim that $B(y,r^-)\subseteq B(x,r)$, from which it follows immediately that $B(x,r)$ is open.

To prove the claim, let $z\in B(y,r^-)$, so that $d(z,y)<r$. We also have, $d(x,y)\le r$ by the choice of $y$. Thus $$d(z,x)\le\max\{d(z,y),d(y,x)\}\le r\;,$$ so $z\in B(x,r)$.

Added: However, it’s important that you learn to work with partitions and equivalence relations: they’re pretty nearly ubiquitous in mathematics, and they’re very handy tools. For the basics see the Wikipedia articles on equivalence relations, partitions, and equivalence classes and/or this page.

If $\langle X,d\rangle$ is an ultrametric space, and $r$ is any positive real number, we define a relation $\sim_r$ on $X$ as follows: $$x\sim_r y\quad\text{ iff }\quad d(x,y)\le r\;.$$

Clearly $x\sim_r x$ for every $x\in X$, since $d(x,x)=0\le r$, so $\sim_r$ is reflexive. The ultrametric $d$ is a symmetric function, so $x\sim_r y$ iff $y\sim_r x$, and $\sim_r$ is therefore symmetric. Finally, if $x\sim_r y$ and $y\sim_r z$, then $$d(x,z)\le\max\{d(x,y),d(y,z)\}\le r\;,$$ so $x\sim_r z$, and $\sim_r$ is transitive. By definition, then $\sim_r$ is an equivalence relation.

Now $B(x,r)=\{y\in X:d(x,y)\le r\}=\{y\in x:x\sim_r y\}$; that last set is by definition the $\sim_r$-equivalence class of $x$, so for each $x\in X$ the $\sim_r$-equivalence class of $x$ is simply the closed ball $B(x,r)$. It is a general fact about equivalence relations that equivalence classes are either disjoint or identical. In this case that means that for any $x,y\in X$, either $B(x,r)\cap B(y,r)=\varnothing$, or $B(x,r)=B(y,r)$. To put it in slightly different language, the equivalence classes of any equivalence relation form a partition of the underlying set: they divide it into parts in such a way that every point is in exactly one part.

Similarly, we can define

$$x\sim_{r^-} y\quad\text{ iff }\quad d(x,y)<r\;$$

and show that it too is an equivalence relation on $X$, and that its equivalence classes are the open balls $B(x,r^-)$ for $x\in X$. This is what’s being used in that PDF: since the balls $B(x,r^-)$ for $x\in X$ divide up $X$ in such a way that each point is in exactly one of them, the complement of any one of them is the union of all the others and is therefore open, being a union of open sets. This means that each one of them must be closed.