[Math] Prove that all trees are bipartite

bipartite-graphsgraph theorygraph-isomorphismtrees

I've been trying to prove this for a while. I can think about it intuitively, but I can't come up with a formal proof. I would appreciate some help.

Here's how I'm thinking about it

Let T be the given tree. Let V(T) be the set of vertices of T. We can create an isomorphism of T, call it f, that takes any vertex v in V(T) and makes it a root node. f takes all vertices that v is connected to and puts them on the second row of vertices of the isomorphism. f then takes all vertices connected to the vertices of the second row and adds them to a third row. This process continues until all vertices have been added to this isomorphic tree, call it T'.
We can partition the vertices of T' into two groups, A and B. A will contain all vertices from even numbered rows of T', and B will contain all vertices from odd numbered rows from T'. Thus, we've created a bipartition of T', so T is a bipartite graph.

I hope I'm making my ideas clear. I'm essentially taking the tree T and converting it to a form


 / \

*   *


and taking the alternating rows and putting them into two groups. These become the bipartition.

I'm trying to express my idea more formally. Would anyone be kind enough to help me out here.

Thank You.

Best Answer

The basic idea is fine.

Pick a node $v$ of $T$ to be the root. Let $u$ be any node of $T$; since $T$ is a tree, there is a unique path $P_u$ from $v$ to $u$. (Why?) Let $f(u)$ be the length of $P_u$. Let $V_E$ be the set of nodes for which $f(u)$ is even, and let $V_O$ be the set of those for which $f(u)$ is odd. Finish by showing that every edge of $T$ has one endpoint in $V_E$ and the other in $V_O$.

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