Group Theory – Prove A6 Has No Subgroup of Prime Index


This is an exercise in Rotman's Advanced Modern Algebra. Keep in mind no Sylow subgroups theory is developed. Only until group actions.

So $p=2$ is fine, since $A_{6}$ is simple. Suppose that $H$ is a subgroup of index $3$. Consider the action on the set of subgroups of $A_{6}$. Since the order of the orbit of $H$ is equal to $[A_{6}:N_{A_{6}}(H)]$ and $3=[A_{6}:H]=[A_{6}:N_{A_{6}}(H)][N_{A_{6}}(H):H]$, and the action on the set of subgroups of $A_{6}$ cannot be transitive, otherwise $H$ is normal, I get that $H$ is equal to its normalizer. But I don't know much about the normalizer, and fiddling around I don't seem to get a contradiction.
I don't know whether I should be using the order of $H$, maybe?

Any hint or help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

In general, if $G$ is a simple group and $H$ is a subgroup of $G$ of index $m > 1$, then the homomorphism from $G$ to $S_m$ coming from $G$ acting on the cosets of $H$ will be injective (since it is not trivial and $G$ is simple).

Thus, we get that $n$ divides $|G|$ by Lagrange, and that $|G|$ divides $m!$ (also by Lagrange).

This means that if $A_n$ has a subgroup of index $p$ for some prime $p$ (and for $n\geq 5$), then $\frac{n!}{2}$ divides $p!$, which can only happen if $n = p$. On the other hand, as pointed out by Jack Schmidt in the comments, $A_{p-1}$ does indeed have index $p$ in $A_p$.

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