[Math] Prove that a particle is traveling on a plane from its velocity and acceleration in space


We have a particle that travels in 3d space. It is given that $a(t)=-r(t)$.

First I need to prove that: $$\frac{d}{dt}(\underline r \times \underline v)=0$$ This is easily done:
\frac{d}{dt}(\underline r \times \underline v)=r(t) \times r''(t)+r'(t) \times r'(t)=0
Then I need to prove that the vector $\underline r \times \underline v$ is a constant. This leads immediately from the previous fact:
\frac{d}{dt}(\underline r \times \underline v)=0 \Rightarrow \int \frac{d}{dt}(\underline r \times \underline v)dt=0 \cdot t+C=C.
Then I need to prove that $\underline r \times \underline v$ is perpendicular to $\underline r$:
\vec{r}\cdot (r \times v)=v(r\times r)=v \cdot0=0

From this I need:

1) to prove that the particle is moving on a plane

2) find on which plane and with what normal vector.

3) find a point that the particle passes

For this I made this sketch:
enter image description here
My guess is that:

1) normal vector is $r\times v$ which is $\overrightarrow{BD}$ in the picture.

2) The plane is defined by the normal vector and any point on the curve.

3) the particle definitely passes through the origin $(0,0,0)$.

Yet this doesn't really make sense because one could think that every particle always travels on the same plane.

Best Answer

I'll define for convenience $\vec{r}\times \vec{v}$ as $\vec{L}$

You proved that $\frac{dL}{dt}=0$ and hence $\vec{L}$ is constant.

That means there is a constant vector which is always perpendicular to $\vec{v}$, and that means the motion is restricted to a plane ($L$ is the vector perpendicular to the plane). That answers too the normal vector part in question (b).

So your guesses were correct but you thought that every particle has the property of $r(t) = -a(t)$, which is only right for a particle attached to a spring.