[Math] Prove that $A$ is invertible iff $\det(A)\neq 0$ with Cauchy-Binet theorem.

determinantlinear algebraproof-explanation

Let $A$ a matrix $n\times n$ over $\mathbb{R}$.
I'm trying to prove that A is invertible if and only if $\det(A)\neq0$ using the Cauchy-Binet theorem.

I know that the Cauchy -Binet theorem is $$\det(A B)=\det(A)\cdot \det(B)$$

But for now, I couldn't think of any solutions to solve the proof.

Best Answer

Suppose that $A$ is invertible. Then there is a matrix $B$ such that $AB=I$. The Cauchy-Binet theorem then implies that $$1=det(I)=det(AB)=det(A)det(B)$$ so that $det(A)\neq 0\neq det(B)$.

Conversely, suppose $det(A)\neq 0$. Then $B=\frac{1}{detA}adj(A)$ satisfies $AB=I$, so that $A$ is invertible. Here $adj(A)$ is the adjugate of the matrix $A$.

Edit: Given the comments on my answer, I'm including a link to a thread about left/right inverses:

If $AB = I$ then $BA = I$

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