[Math] Prove that a graph with $n$ vertices and $k$ edges will have at least $n-k$ connected components by induction on $k$.

graph theory

My question is more regarding the induction process and I want to make sure I'm not making a build-up error in the proof.

Proof by induction on $k$, the number of edges. Let $G$ be a graph with $n$ vertices.

Base case: for $k = 0$ the claim holds as we have $n$ isolated vertices and thus, $n – 0$ connected components.

Inductive Hypothesis: suppose the claim holds for all $j\geq0$. That is every graph with $n$ vertices and $j$ edges has at least $n – j$ connected components.

*Inductive Step: Suppose we now have $j + 1$ edges. We know that for $j$ edges the claim holds from the inductive hypothesis. If we add an edge to the graph from the inductive hypothesis then we have the following cases:

1)We connect two components thus decreasing the number of connected components by $1$. Then the number of connected components is $n – j – 1 = n – (j +1)$.

2)We add an edge within a connected component, hence creating a cycle and leaving the number of connected components as $ n – j \geq n – j – 1 = n – (j+1)$.*

In either case the claim holds, therefore by the principle of induction the claim is true for all graphs.

Best Answer

I don't know what a "build-up" error is, but there is a minor, technical issue with your proof:

When proving the induction step, you should be starting from an arbitrary graph with $n$ vertices and $j + 1$ edges, and conclude from there. You do start with such a graph, but then fail to use it. Instead, you say

If we add an edge to the graph from the inductive hypothesis then we have...

To which graph are you adding an edge here, and what does it have to do with the graph with $j + 1$ edges? What you are doing is "building up" (is this a "build-up" error?) all the graphs you can from the inductive step, but failing to account for the possible graphs that cannot be built in this way!

Of course, every graph of $j + 1$ edges can be built up from a graph with $j$ edges: simply remove one edge. This is how you should be arguing. Start with a graph $G$ of $j + 1$ vertices, fix one edge $e$, and consider the graph $G'$ with $e$ removed. Then $G'$ has at least $n - j$ connected components. Adding $e$ back in to form $G$, by the arguments supplied, will remove at most one connected component, giving you at least $n - j - 1$ connected components.

(P.S. I don't want to contradict bounceback's comment; I too would award full marks, because your proof is almost 100% correct and would be doing better than 98% of my other students' efforts!)