[Math] Prove that a graph with $100$ vertices with each edge having degree at most $4$ contains an empty graph of order $20$.

combinatoricsextremal-graph-theorygraph theorypigeonhole-principle

Prove that for every undirected graph $G$ of 100 vertices, if every
vertex has degree at most $4$, then there exists a subset $S$ of 20
vertices such that no two vertices in $S$ are neighbors of one

I found this problem in the book Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science by Boaz Barak.

Here's my work:

We denote $e(G)$ to be the set of edges in a graph $G$ and $v(G)$ to be the set of vertices. Suppose for contradiction that there exists a graph $G$ such that $|v(G)| = 100$ and for all subsets of $v(G')\subset v(G)$ with $|v(G')|=20$ there exists a nonempty subgraph $G'$ with vertex set $v(G')$.

Since every vertex has degree at most $4$, we have $|E|\leq \frac{4\times 100}{2} = 200$. Then

$$\sum_{\substack{G'\subset G \\ |v(G')| = 20}}|e(G')| \geq \binom{100}{20}.$$
In summing the number of edges over all subgraphs of $G$ of size 20, it is also equivalent to counting each edge $\binom{98}{18}$ times. Then since
$$\sum_{e\in e(G)}\binom{98}{18} = \binom{98}{18}|e(G)|=\sum_{\substack{G'\subset G \\ |v(G')| = 20}}|e(G')|,$$
it follows that $\binom{98}{18} 200 \geq \binom{100}{20}$.

I'm not sure how to get a contradiction from here.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best Answer

I do not quite think that your approach can provide a contradiction.

A set of vertices, no two of which are joined to each other, is called an independent set. I will use this terminology. So our question is this : in a graph with hundred vertices and maximum degree four, we can find an independent set of size $20$.

Here's a better and easier way to do things. We will provide an algorithm that will find an independent set of size $20$ within the setup. Start with an empty set $S$.

  • Take any vertex $v$ in the graph, and add it to $S$.

  • Remove $v$ and its neighbours from the graph, and repeat the above step with the new graph.

  • End when there are no vertices left.

Now, what is the size of $S$? Note that at each step, at most five vertices removed at each step,since you remove the chosen vertex $v$ and its neighbours, of which there can't be more than four. Now, there are hundred vertices, which means that the steps given above repeat at least $20$ times. For each step, some new vertex is added to $S$. It follows that $S$ has at least $20$ elements.

Now, $S$ is an independent set. To see this, if two vertices $A$ and $B$ are in $S$ and are connected by an edge, then if (without loss of generality) $A$ was chosen before $B$ as a member of $S$ by the algorithm, then $B$ would have been removed from the graph, so it cannot have been made a member of $S$.

Consequently, $S$ is an independent set of size $20$.

Use the above approach for a generalization :

In every graph with $v$ vertices and maximum degree $d$, one can find an independent set of size $\frac n{d+1}$.

I am not sure that one can improve the number $\frac n{d+1}$. You can test this by trying trivial examples.

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