[Math] Prove that a complement graph of a tree is either connected or it’s a union of an isolated vertex and a full graph

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicsgraph theory

I managed to prove the second part – that a tree that is one vertex with n-1 degree and all the rest are connected to it – the complement graph of such tree is an isolated vertex and the rest of the vertices form a full graph.

Now, I cant get to prove it for the other option – i.e if every vertex in the tree is of degree $1\leq d(v) < n-2$ than the complement graph is connected.

Best Answer

Assume that the graph is not connected. Then, separate the graph into 2 separate graphs. Now, all the missing edges between the 2 components must have belonged to the tree. Suppose the size of the 2 components is a and b. (size of a component refers to the number of vertices in it).

Then, we have : $$ a + b = n $$ and $$ a*b \le (n-1) $$ (because the number of edges in a tree can't be more than that).

The only way this can happen is when a=n-1 and b=1 , which is the second part of your question.