[Math] Prove that $3a^2-1$ is never a perfect square when $a$ is an integer


Prove that $3a^2-1$ is never a perfect square when $a$ is an integer.

I'm not sure how to go about this proof or what form of an integer to use. I know an integer can be represented using

  • $2k$, $2k+1$, or

  • $3k$, $3k+1$, $3k+2$, or

  • $4k$, $4k+1$, $4k+2$, $4k+3$

    but how do I know which form to use for this problem?

Best Answer

Hint $ $ If not, let $\,n\,$ be the least natural such that $\,\color{#c00}{n^2 =3k-1}\,$ for some $\,k\in \Bbb Z.\,$ Since $\,n\neq 1,2,3\,$ $\,n\!-\!3\,$ is a smaller such natural since $\,(n\!-\!3)^2\! = \color{#c00}{n^2}\!-\!6n\!+\!9 = \color{#c00}3(\color{#c00}k\!-\!2n\!+\!3)\color{#c00}{-1},\,$ contradiction.