[Math] Prove stochastic exponential to be a martingale


I'm new in stochastic integral, and recently I met a problem as following:

Let $B$ be a Brownian motion, $\mu_t,\sigma_t$ be uniformly bounded progressive processes and $\sigma_t>\epsilon>0$ for every t. I want to show the local martingale

X_t=\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\int_0^t\sigma_s^2ds+\int_0^t\sigma_sdB_s \right)

to be indeed a martingale.

I know the result that for a local martingale to be a martingale if it is of the class $DL$. I wanted to show that there exists a $p>1$ such that $\sup_{\tau\leq T}E[X_{\tau}^p]<\infty$ for every fixed $T>0$, but unfortunately I failed to prove it. The main difficulty I met is that I found it hard to describe all the stopping time $\tau$ to find the supreme value of these expectations.

So how can I prove this result?

Best Answer

A possible approach here would be to use some basic Itô calculus.

If we compute the stochastic differential of $X_t$ using Itô's chain rule , we get $$ d X_t = X_t \left( -\frac 12 \sigma_t^2 dt + \sigma_t dB_t \right) + \frac 12 X_t \sigma_t^2 dt = X_t \sigma_t dB_t. $$ Hence the differential of $X_t$ has no drift, implying that $X_t$ is an Itô integral, i.e. $$ X_t = \int_0^t X_s \sigma_s d B_s , $$ which is well-known to be a martingale.