[Math] Prove $ \sqrt{1 + \sqrt[3]{2}} $ is irrational using the theorem about rational roots of a polynomial


I'm having trouble with this specific problem at the moment. The theorem states that if $n/m$ is a rational root of a polynomial with integer coefficients, the leading coefficient is divisible by m and the free coefficient is divisible by n.

Using this theorem, I'm supposed to prove that $ \sqrt{1 + \sqrt[3]{2}} $ is irrational.
I don't have any idea where to start on this one.

Any help or hints are appreciated.

Best Answer

Using Calvin Lin's hint above, we can expand the polynomial to $$(x^2-1)^3-2=x^6-3x^4+3x^2-3=0.$$ The Rational Root Theorem implies that the only possible rational roots are $\{\pm3,\pm1\}$. Checking these values shows that no roots are rational. By construction of the polynomial, we know in particular that $\sqrt{1+\sqrt[3]{2}}$ is irrational.