[Math] Prove $\sin2x+\sin4x+\sin6x=4\cos x\cos2x\sin3x$


Prove $\sin{2x}+\sin{4x}+\sin{6x}=4\cos{x}\cos{2x}\sin{3x}$

I have reached the point where the LHS equation has turned into $2\cos{x}\cos2x\sin{x}(2\sin2x+1)$

But I have no idea how to turn $\sin{x}(2\sin2x+1)$ into $2\sin3x$

A quicker method if it exists would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

To solve this problem, we can use the identities:

$$ \sin A + \sin B = 2\sin \frac{A+B}{2} \cos \frac{A - B}{2}, $$

$$ \cos A + \cos B = 2\cos \frac{A+B}{2} \cos \frac{A - B}{2}, $$


$$ \sin 2\phi = 2\sin \phi \cos \phi. $$

Going back to the question,

$ \text{LHS} = \sin 2x + \sin 4x + \sin 6x \\ = 2\sin 3x \cos x + \sin 6x \\ = 2\sin 3x \cos x + 2\sin 3x \cos 3x \\ = 2\sin 3x (\cos x + \cos 3x) \\ = 2\sin 3x \times 2\cos 2x \cos x \\ = 4\cos x \cos 2x \sin 3x \\ = \text{RHS}. $

Hence, proved.

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