[Math] Prove Logarithmic function is part of exponential family

probability distributionsstatistics

The aim is to prove that the logarithmic distribution with parameter $p (0<p<1)$ is part of the exponential family and hence, give its canonical parameter.

To prove a distribution is part of the exponential family, one must express the probability function in the generic form of $$\exp\left(\frac{y\theta -b (\theta )}{\phi }+ c(y,\phi)\right)$$ where $\theta$ is the canonical parameter.

The function for logarithmic is $$f(y;p)=\frac{-1}{\ln(1-p)}\frac{p^{y}}{y}$$ where $y=1,2,\ldots$

I have managed to re-express the function by:

1st step: $$\exp\left(\ln\left(\frac{-p^{y}}{y\ln(1-p)}\right)\right)$$

2nd step: $$\exp\left(-y\ln (p)-\ln (y)-\ln(\ln(1-p)\right)$$

However, I'm stuck at step 2 and can't expand this further to the generic form. So far, I know (rightly or wrongly):
$$c(y,\phi ) = -\ln y$$
$$b(\theta ) = \ln(\theta )$$

Can anyone please help?


Best Answer

I just finished a similar question and I had $$f(y;p)=\exp\{y \ln(p)-\ln[\ln(1-p)]+\ln(y)\}.$$ It is the same as yours, but I put the minus sign in the denominator of the probability distribution. Note that $\theta$ is multiplying y in the exponential form, so that $\theta= \ln(p)$, and thus $p=e^\theta$. Note also that $b(\theta)=\ln[\ln(1-p)]$, and $\phi=1$ in this case. In the form that I wrote, $c(y, \phi)=\ln(y)$. I hope this helps.