[Math] Prove correctness of algorithm using induction

algorithmscomputer sciencediscrete mathematics

int i, j;  

for i from 1 to n 
    for j from n-1 downto i 
        if (A[j] > A[j+1])
            swap(A[j], A[j+1]) 

Could we prove the correctness of the above algorithm, using induction?

If so, could you give me some hints how we could do this?

At the base case, we check the case $i=1$, right?

For $i=1 $ we compare pairwise the elements $ (A[n], A[n-1]) $, $(A[n-1],A[n-2]) , \dots, (A[2],A[1])$ and if $A[i]>A[i+1], i \in \{ 1, \dots, n-1 \}$ then we swap their values, right?

So what can we say for the base case?

Also, what do we have to suppose at the induction hypothesis?

Best Answer

Your algorithm has a typo. The inner loop should start $j := i + 1$ and go to $n$. Notice that after iteration $i$ of the outer loop, the largest $i$ elements are sorted correctly at the end of the list. Prove this fact, which I will call $(*)$.

We also have termination, by finiteness of both loops (and no modification of $i, j$ other than incrementation).

You can then use induction on $(*)$ to argue that if the largest elements are sorted correctly at indices $n-i, ..., n-1$, then the next iteration of the loop will correctly place the $n-1-i$ largest element at index $n - 1 - i$, preserving order.


Claim: On the ith iteration of the outer loop, the largest $i$ elements will be sorted correctly (at the end of the array).

Proof: By induction on $n \in \mathbb{N}$. Consider the base case of $n = 1$. Let $x$ be the largest element in the array. By the algorithm, if $x$ is unique, $x$ is swapped on each iteration after being discovered initially. It is then placed at the end. If $x$ is not unique, then there exists a second copy of it and no swap will occur. However, the second copy will then be swapped. This process continues, so the last occurrence of $x$ will be moved to the end of the array. The theorem thus holds at $i = 1$.

I assume the theorem holds true up to an arbitrary integer $k$ such that $1 < k < n$ and prove true for the $k+1$ case. Let $y$ be the $k+1$ largest element in the array. We consider the reduced case of examining the first $n - k - 1$ elements. By the inductive hypothesis, $y$ will be correctly placed at the end of this sub-array. As $y$ is no bigger than the $k$th largest element, $y$ will not be moved further down into the array. The $k+1$ case thus holds.

And so the claim holds true by the principle of mathematical induction.