[Math] Prove by induction that every integer is either a prime or product of primes


Let $n$ and $d$ be integers such that $d$ is a divisor of $n$ if $n=ad$ for some integer $a$. A prime number is a integer $n>1$ that is divisible by 1 and itself. Prove by induction that every integer $n>1$ is either a prime or product of primes.

My attempt:

Proving equation is true for a particular $n$

If $n=2$ then $n=2=2\cdot 1=1\cdot 2=ad$ , $d$=1,2 then $n$ its a prime since a prime is greater than 1.

If $n=4$ them $n=4=2\cdot 2\cdot 1=1\cdot 2\cdot 2=ad$ , $d$=1,2 then its a product of primes namely $n=2\cdot 2$.

is this ok ?

now assuming $n$ is true lets prove $n+1$



If its prime then…

If it is a product of primes then…

I don't know how to continue

I have seen this however i don't know if it is a good answer however I find it incomplete

Best Answer

You will need strong induction, so you assume it holds for all $n < N$.

Then you prove it for $n=N$.

For $n=2$ it clearly holds.

Now assume it holds for all $n < N$.

If $N$ is a prime, then the statement is true.

Else, you can write $N = a\cdot b$ with $a,b < N$, and by the strong induction hypothesis you can write $a,b$ as a prime or a product of primes, so $N$ is a product of primes.