[Math] Prove by induction on strings


I have this question:

Prove by induction on strings that for any binary string $w$, $(oc(w))^R = oc(w^R)$.


  • if $w$ is a string in $\{1,0\}^*$, the one's complement of $w$, $oc(w)$ is the unique string, of the same length as $w$, that has a zero wherever $w$ has a one and vice versa. So for example, $oc(101) = 010$.

  • the string to the power of $R$ is saying that string reversed. So $w^R$ is the reversal of the string $w$.

I don't know how to start an induction and where to go in the case of strings.

Any help is useful. Thank you.

Best Answer

Start your induction with the empty string, which I’ll call $\epsilon$ (you may use $\lambda$ for this): prove that $\big(\mbox{oc}(\epsilon)\big)^R=\mbox{oc}(\epsilon^R)$.

For the induction step note that every non-empty string in $\{0,1\}^*$ is of the form $w0$ or $w1$ for some $s\in\{0,1\}^*$. Assuming as your induction hypothesis that $\big(\mbox{oc}(w)\big)^R=\mbox{oc}(w^R)$, prove that $\big(\mbox{oc}(w0)\big)^R=\mbox{oc}\big((w0)^R\big)$ and a similar result for $w1$.

I’ve case this as a structural induction, but you could also do it as an ordinary induction on the length of the string.

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