Set Theory – Prove Any Open Interval Has Same Cardinality as ?


I want to prove that every open interval has the same cardinality of $\Bbb R$.

The question is:

Is it enough to prove that any open interval is uncountable? If I prove it, can I say that this interval has the same cardinality of reals?

I know that I can get a bijection using the tangent function, but I am not allowed to use trigonometric functions.

I've proved that $|(a,b)|=|(0,1)|$ so I may prove that $|(0,1)|=|\Bbb R|$ but I did not find the bijection without using trigonometric functions.

Best Answer

Consider the function

$$g(x)=\frac{x}{1+|x|}$$ Verify that $g$ is a bijection from real numbers to $(-1,1)$.