[Math] Prove all 8 axioms of a vector space

linear algebravector-spaces

$\newcommand{\u}{{\bf u}} \newcommand{\v}{{\bf v}} \newcommand{\w}{{\bf w}} \newcommand{\V}{{\bf V}} \newcommand{\L}{{\bf L}} \newcommand{\W}{{\bf W}} $

I suppose that this question has been asked before but:

Suppose that $\u,~ \v, ~ \w \in V$. where $\u,~ \v, ~ \w$ are vectors and $\V$ is a vector space

$$\u + \v \in \V \tag{Closure under addition}$$

$$\u + \v = \v + \u \tag{Commutative property}$$

$$\u + (\v+\w)=(\u+\v)+\w \tag{Associative property}$$

$\V$ has a zero vector $0$ such that for every $\u \in \V$, $\u+0=\u$. $\tag{Additive identity}$

For every $\u \in \V$, there is a vector in $\V$ denoted by $−\u$ such that $\u+(−\u)=0$. $\tag{Additive inverse}$

Now let's also assume that $c,d \in \mathbb R$

$$c\u \in V \tag{Closure under scalar multiplication}$$

$$c(\u+\v)=c\u+c\v \tag{Distributive property}$$

$$(c+d)\u=c\u+d\u \tag{Distributive property}$$

$$c(d\u)=(cd)\u \tag{Associative property}$$

$$1(\u)=\u \tag{Scalar identity}$$

I guess my questions are:

  1. Is there like any property that says if one axiom fails, is it still a vector space?

  2. Also is a combination of any number of vectors in space $\V$ also a vector space?

    a. Suppose $\W = \{a\v + b\w ~:~ a,b \in \mathbb R$} for some $\v, \w \in \V$. Is $\W$ a vector space?
    If so explain, if not explain why not.

    b. Now suppose $\L = \{a_1 \v_1 + a2 \v_2 + \dots + a_n \v_n ~:~ a_1, a_2, \dots a_n \in \mathbb R\}$. Is $\L$ a vector space?

  3. Is there a way to prove all 8 axioms without going through the process of tedious proofs?

Thank you for the help. (Thank you everybody) ありがとう 皆さん

Best Answer

  1. The eight axioms define what a vector space is. If $(V,+,.)$ fails in at least one of these axioms, it's not a vector space. If $(V,+,.)$ satisfy all the axioms, it's a vector space. You can see these axioms as what defines a vector space.

  2. a. Guess $W=\{ av+bw:a,b\in\mathbb{R}\}$ so that it's the set of combinations of $v,w\in V$ where $V$ is a vector space as I understood. $W$ is a vector space and you can prove it easly using what I wrote bellow in 3.

    b. Same remark.

  3. You can prove that $(S,+,.)$ is a vector space (i.e., satisfies all the 8 axioms) in a much easier way if you notice that $S$ is a subset of a set $V$ such as $(V,+,.)$ is a vector space. For example, we prove using the 8 axioms that $(E,+,.)$ is a vector space (there are a lot of examples like $E=\mathbb{R}^n$). Now if you notice that $V\subset E$ then $(V,+,.)$ is a vector space if and only if:

    • $V\neq\emptyset\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,(1)$

    • $\forall u,v\in V,\forall\alpha ,\beta\in\mathbb{R},\,\alpha.u+\beta.v\in V\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,(2)$

    A good way to prove that $V\neq\emptyset$ is to prove that $0_E\in V$ where $0_E$ is the neutral element in the abelian group $(E,+)$, because if $0_E\notin V$, $V$ isn't a vector space since $(2)$ isn't correct.