[Math] Prove: A triangle inscribed in a rectangular hyperbola has its orthocenter on that hyperbola


Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be three points on the curve $xy = 1$ (which is a rectangular hyperbola). Prove that the orthocenter of $\triangle ABC$ also lies on the curve $xy = 1$.

I have given up on this problem…

Best Answer

Let $A = (p,1/p), ~B = (q,1/q),~ C = (r, 1/r)$ be the three points of the triangle, let $H$ be the orthocenter.

Verify that the slope of $AB$ is exactly $-1/pq$, so the slope of the altitude $h_C$ is $pq$. Similarly, the slope of the altitude $h_A$ is $qr$.

Now you can calculate the position of $H$, by intersecting $h_A$ and $h_C$: We have $$A + x\cdot\begin{pmatrix}1\\qr\end{pmatrix} = H = C + y \cdot \begin{pmatrix}1\\pq\end{pmatrix}$$

for some $x$ and $y$. You can solve this linear equation system for $x$ and $y$ and get that $H = (-1/pqr, -pqr)$. This point clearly lies on your given hyperbola.