[Math] Prove a limit using the epsilon-delta definition


$\lim_{x\to-2}\frac{4x-1}{x+1} = 9$

Given $\epsilon>0$, $$(\exists \delta(\epsilon)>0) \left( |x+2|<\delta \implies \left|{\frac{4x-1}{x+1} – 9}\right| < \epsilon \right)$$

So, if $|x+2|<\delta$, then:
$$\left|{\frac{4x-1}{x+1} – 9}\right| = \left|{\frac{4x-1-9(x+1)}{x+1}}\right| = \left|{\frac{-5x-10}{x+1}}\right| = \left|{\frac{-1 (5x+10)}{x+1}}\right| = {\frac{|-1||5x+10|}{|x+1|}} = {\frac{5|x+2|}{|x+1|}}$$

I've found the expression $5|x+2|$ in the numerator:

$|x+2| < \delta = 1/2$



$-3/2<x+1<-1/2 \implies$ ?

A colleague told me to leave both members of this inequality as positives. Why do we need both sides to be positives?

Best Answer

You're right to want to bound values of $x$ away from $-1$, and to do so by $\frac{1}{2}$ is fine. The inequality you obtain by requiring $x$ to be within $\frac{1}{2}$ of $2$ is


which you have written. Then, as you've written, we have


Notice that the above inequality implies that $|x+1|>\frac{1}{2}.$ It follows that


So let $\delta(\epsilon)<\min\{\frac{1}{2},\frac{\epsilon}{10}\}$.