[Math] Prove a cyclic subgroup is normal


I've got a question that asks me to find a cyclic subgroup of $D_{12}$ of order 6. $D_{12} = <r, s | r^{12} = s^2 = e, sr = r^{11}s>$

My answer to this is :

{$e, r^2, r^4, r^6, r^8, r^{10}$} or {$e, r^2s, r^4, r^6s, r^8, r^{10}s$}.

The question I have for you is that I'm then asked to prove that whichever subgroup I choose is a normal subgroup. I would normally say that it is a normal subgroup, because it is cyclic and therefore Abelian and normal too. Also, it must be a subgroup of $D_{12}$ because it is generated by an element of $D_{12}$. However, it is a 4 mark question, so am I missing something?


Best Answer

Knowing $r,s$ generates $G$, we only need to check $rHr^{-1}=sHs^{-1}=H$ to show a subgroup $H$ is normal in $G$.

This is clear for your subgroups. But the second subgroup seems not cyclic.

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