[Math] Propositional Calculus: Compactness implies Completeness


Is there a quick way to prove the completeness theorem (every consistant theory has a model) from the compactness theorem (a theory has a model iff every finite subtheory of it has a model)? Usually the compactness theorem is a very easy result of the completeness theorem, but it can also be proved in other ways (e.g. using Tychonoff's theorem) and I wonder if this provides a "shortcut" to the completeness theorem.

I'm only asking about propositional calculus, but if the same holds for first order logic I'll be happy to hear it as well.

Best Answer

It's clear that the compactness theorem reduces the completeness theorem to its finite case: "if a finite theory is consistent then it has a model".

In the propositional logic case, depending on the proof system you choose, that finite form can be relatively straightforward to prove, because a finite set $F$ of propositional formulas only mentions a finite number of variables, and so there are really only $2^n$ cases to consider where $n$ is the number of variables. Thus, for example, in a tableaux system the tree for a finite set of propositional formulas will be finite. In other proof systems, you might want to use a deductive rule such as $(A \to \phi) \to (\lnot A \to \phi) \to \phi$, applied $n$ times, once for each variable $A$ mentioned by the formulas, letting $\phi$ be $(\bigwedge F) \to \bot$. The point is the make the deduction essentially a proof by cases that considers all $2^n$ rows of a truth table for $F$.

This method does not work as well for first-order logic because, even if a theory has only a finite number of formulas, there are usually infinitely many terms to worry about. For example, in the tableaux setting, the tree can be infinite even if the theory is finite.

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