[Math] Property of critical point when the Hessian is degenerate


Let $f:{\Bbb R^2}\to{\Bbb R}$ be a function such that
Is $(0,0)$ a local maximum, local minimum or a saddle point?

Calculation shows that $(0,0)$ is a degenerate critical point. One can of course use MATLAB or Mathematic to have a graph to see the property of this point.

  • How can I do it in another way?
  • To raise the question to a more general setting: what are the usually ways to deal with the degenerate critical points of a smooth multivariable function?

Best Answer

Informally, you only need to look at the function when $x$ and $y$ are small. In that case, the 3rd order element $x^2y$ and the 4th order elements $xy^3$ can be neglected in front of the 2nd order element $5x^2$. So $f(x,y) \approx 5x^2$, which looks like a parabolic cylinder in the $Oy$ direction.

More formally, replace $f$ by the first terms of a Taylor series : $$ f(x,y) = f(0,0) + \frac {\partial f} {\partial x} x + \frac {\partial f} {\partial y} y + \frac {\partial^2 f} {\partial x^2} x^2 + \frac {\partial^2 f} {\partial x \partial y} x y + \frac {\partial^2 f} {\partial y^2} y^2 +....$$

keeping only the terms of the smallest degree, which gives you an approximation of the function in the neighborhood of $(0,0)$.

In your case, your $f$ is a polynomial, so the Taylor expansion is itself.