Group Theory – Property of Abelianization


This is related to this old MO question which wasn't answered properly, though I don't feel I phrased the question in the best way (or posted it on the right site)

Define the abelianization of a group $G$ to be the quotient group $G_{ab} := G/[G,G]$, where $[G,G]$ is the commutator subgroup. I want to know how this definition implies the following property of abelianization.

Let $\phi: G \to G_{ab}$ be the canonical surjection. For any abelian group $H$ and homomorphism $f:G\to H$, there exists a unique homomorphism $F: G_{ab} \to H$ such that $f = F\circ \phi$.

This is the ability to 'descend to a homomorphism' that I explained so badly in my initial post, though at the time it was the only terminology I heard being used.

I am aware that these two definitions are equivalent but I have not yet seen a proof, nor managed to prove it myself. Please do point me to an online proof if you know of one.

Best Answer

If $f : G \to H$ is a homomorphism to an abelian group, then $f(ab) = f(a) f(b) = f(b) f(a) = f(ba)$, hence $[a, b] \in \ker f$, hence $[G, G] \subseteq \ker f$. Is the rest clear from here?

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