[Math] Properties of the rotation matrix


$$R(\theta) = \begin{pmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{pmatrix}$$

Consider the above rotation matrix.

$a)$ Show that $R(\theta)$ is non-singular with: $R^{-1}(\theta) = R(-\theta)$

$b)$ Show that $R(\theta)^T = R(-\theta)$

$c)$ For what angles $\theta \in \mathbb{R}$ is $R(\theta)$ symmetric?

I only somewhat understand part $b$. I know that a skew-matrix is one in which its transpose is also its negative. Apart from that I'm not sure how to implement that into the question and I have no idea how to do part $a$ and $c$. I was wondering if someone could help me get started.

Best Answer


(a) $\quad$ Calculate $R(-\theta)R(\theta)$

(c) $\quad$ By definition: symmetric when $R(\theta)^T=R(\theta)$

$\quad \quad \,$ By $(b)$ then $R(\theta)=R(-\theta) \implies \sin \theta=-\sin \theta$