[Math] properties of the Greedy Algorithm (Graph Colouring)

algorithmsdiscrete mathematicsgraph theory

So I have shown, that for all n $\in N $ there is a graph $G$ with n vertices such that the Greedy Algorithm will colour it in exactly 2 colours.

Further I have shown that for a Graph with diameter at least 3 there is an ordering of the vertices such that the Greedy Algorithm uses at least 3 colours. (both rather trivial tasks admittedly.)

Apparently these 2 rather basic insights should give me some more interesting property though, and I m wondering what that could be.

Best Answer

The conclusion would be that the greedy algorithm isn't optimal, in other words, it sometimes colors the graph in more than the minimal number of colors. One may ask whether a better algorithm exists. This leads to the concepts of NP-completeness, approximation algorithms and hardness of approximation.